As Pilates teachers our main task is to utilize the profoundly valuable exercises Joseph Pilates designed to help people achieve optimal over-all health. In actuality, however, we are often confronted with clients who require additional help with specific issues that can be a little outside our comfort zone and even our scope of practice. Some of the most common ones we often face include: neck tension and pain; spinal patholo-gies such as scoliosis, kyphosis, bulging/herniated discs, sciatica; joint concerns in-cluding gritty/clicking/popping sounds and arthritis; tendonitis, hernia, migraines, di-gestion and sleep problems, post-surgical issues including joint replacements, mastec-tomy; and more.
In this workshop we will cover issues from the above list as requested by those per-sonally attending. Bring your questions, confusions, and concerns – maybe even bring a suffering client if possible – so we can address as many as time permits.
Consider revealing your own struggles with any of these problems too, so we can all benefit from actual ‘live’ examples to help us learn and grow as teachers.